Luisa Florez

Luisa Florez received her musical, vocal, and academic training in Medellin, Colombia. With a Bachelor's degree in Music and Choral and Orchestral Conducting in hand, she flew to Switzerland. She continued her studies at the Haute Ecole de Musique in Geneva where, in 2013, she obtained her Master of Arts in musical interpretation and, in 2016, her Master's in composition and music theory. For many years, she has been teaching music initiation and solfeggio in music schools. She also conducts several vocal ensembles in Geneva and the canton of Vaud.

Based on singing, "Le Jardin des Chansons" promotes the discovery of a traditional and contemporary repertoire of nursery rhymes, action songs, and finger games to develop fine motor skills. Sound games with percussion instruments are also part of the program, as well as targeted educational activities aimed at gradually fostering the child's autonomy. With the assistance and reassuring presence of the adult, this class strengthens the creative and emotional bonds between children and their parents.
Age: From 2 years old
Musical initiation begins at the age of 4 and is accessible to all children. It precedes and prepares for the practice of solfeggio and instrument playing. Musical education is an interactive method that demands the active participation of the child. It starts from the concrete (activities involving manipulable objects, as well as physical realities such as sound, singing, movement) to reach the abstract (concerning notions such as high, low, note names, leading to conventional musical symbols).

We aim to:
A) Develop musical ear
B) Develop sense of rhythm and tempo
C) Develop melodic and tonal sense and prepare for instrumental practice
D) Acquire a wide repertoire of songs
E) Foster imagination and a taste for invention
Age: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade (Harmos)
Musical education is an essential complementary field to instrumental learning. It develops the ear, inner listening, and rhythmic sense in a playful and lively manner through exercises in reading, dictations, and solfeggio singing.
Age: From 4th Grade (Harmos)