Annabelle TRINITÉ

French pianist from Rouen, Annabelle Trinité graduated from the Haute-Ecole de Musique de Genève in piano and piano accompaniment in the classes of Sébastien Risler and Jean-Jacques Balet. She also attended the Academy of La Scala in Milan to learn the profession of vocal conductor.

She likes to diversify her musical activities and thus approaches the solo piano repertoire through all the periods, concertos with orchestra, chamber music, and accompaniment. Her varied collaborations have led her to work and perform with conductors such as Benoît Willmann, Sébastien Brugière and Jean-Marie Curti, as as a soloist, as a conductor for opera productions, or to accompany choirs.

She also performs in recital with opera singers such as Marie-Camille Vaquié, Francesca Giarini-Dalhen, Marion Jacquemet and Pierre-Yves Pruvot and instrumentalists such as such as the pianist Anne Boëls and the string quartet Valserine.

With the lyric singer Saskia Jarrel and the performer Laia Gonzales, she has created a show, Baignade Nocturne, where each of these 3 women, through the interpretation of works from the repertoire, expresses her creativity and her artistic sensitivity, from despair to renaissance, from from despair to rebirth, from lightness to depth, between shadow and light, while questioning questioning the usual codes of representation of these artistic practices.

Finally, she also reserves an important part for the pedagogy through her and accompaniments, notably at the conservatory of Annemasse, where, she has opened an accompaniment class and coordinates the polyphonic instruments department. polyphonic instruments. In her transmission to the students, she wishes to give the tools to play with ease, in listening and in the search of an expressive and sensitive play, and expressive and sensitive playing, and to open up to playing with others, an inexhaustible source of pleasure and of musical pleasure and sharing.